
Misión/Metas/Objetivos/Acciones - Mission/Goals/Objectives/Actions

Yo llamo METAS a aquello que quiero alcanzar y que es parte de mi PROPÓSITO o MISIÓN en mi vida.

For me, GOALS are those things which I want to achieve and which are part of my PURPOSE or MISSION in life.

Luego, tengo una serie de OBJETIVOS que van cambiando, bien porque yo misma o la situación ha requerido que haga ajustes a los mismos, bien porque he cumplido y me pongo otros.

Y luego están las ACCIONES que para mí son las que puedo hacer día a día para lograr ese objetivo que me lleva más cerca de mi meta, que me hace sentir más satisfecha en cumplimiento de mi propósito o misión.

Esto no he llegado a saberlo de la noche a la mañana, sino que ha sido y sigue siendo un proceso continuo:

- Voy descubriendo mi razón de vivir, mi propósito.
- Voy pensando en las cosas que deseo, en lo que busco exactamente en la vida, en qué es lo que me gusta hacer y en cómo quiero vivirla.
- Voy conociéndome en lo bueno y en lo malo, invirtiendo mucho tiempo en mí.
- Voy sabiendo qué areas de mi vida quiero mejorar y aprendiendo a dar prioridades.
- Voy tomando la decisión de tener el valor necesario para correr los riesgos para reorientar mi vida hacia ello.

Para ello, primero de todo, he comprado una agenda, donde lo escribo todo y no he parado de escribir.


For me, GOALS are those things which I want to achieve and which are part of my PURPOSE or MISSION in life.

Then I have a series of OBJECTIVES which are constantly changing because, either I myself or the situation has required that some changes in my objectives be made, or else because I have already achieved them or added new ones.

Then there are ACTIONS which are the things that I have to do from day to day to  achieve my objectives which bring me closer to reaching each goal which in turn makes me feel a sense of satisfaction that I am thereby fulfilling my purpose or mission in life.

I didn't arrive at this understanding overnight; but rather, it has been an on-going process:

-I've gradually discovered my reason and purpose for living.
-I've learned how to think about exactly what it is that I want out of life, what it is that I want to do, and precisely how I want to live it.
-I've gradually come to know myself better (the good and the bad), and I've invested more time in this process.
-I've gradually learned which are the areas of my life that I want to improve and how to prioritize regarding these improvements.
-I've gradually learned how to be decisive and to have the courage needed to run the risks that are necessary for positively changing my life.

In order to do everything that I've just mentioned, I've bought an agenda where I write everything down, and I haven't stopped writing.

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